Kundalini Yoga

Yoga is broadly defined as a science of self-improvement or of self-awareness. Yoga is used to manifest one’s highest potential and to connect to our greatest selves. Kundalini Yoga is one of the most spiritual forms of yoga and goes far deeper than the traditional poses.  

What is Kundalini Yoga? 

Kundalini Yoga uses a combination of movements or poses (asanas), breathwork (mantras or breathing exercises/techniques), meditation and sound healing. The goal is to increase strength & flexibility of the mind and body, while also balancing the energetic body. Through practice one achieves higher states of self-awareness and consciousness.  

According to the Yoga Institute, Adi Yogi or Lord Shiva is said to be the one who imparted the knowledge of yoga onto humanity somewhere around 2,700 BCE and was supposed to promote material and spiritual well-being of humanity.   

Kundalini means, “the coiled one”. It represents the dormant energy that rests at the base of your spine. When the Kundalini is awakened the energy travels up and through all your chakras to the top of your head where it connects to the divine energy.  Sounds like fun, right?! 

What are the benefits of Kundalini Yoga? 

There a so many benefits to Kundalini yoga, but here are just a few: 

  1. Higher Self-Awareness KY practice leads to increased self-awareness, which will increase your personal power and/or willpower, which leads to better lifestyle choices.  

  2. Mental Strength & Clarity KY increases mental strength, agility, and resiliency. While reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. Improves cognitive function and boosts self-perception.  

  3. Increased Intuition or trust in your inner guidance or Wise One Within (WOW). 

  4. Energy Healing The physical poses are created in a way to open or unblock stagnant energy flow, which will lead to a stronger body, increased flexibility and inner peace.  

  5. Nervous System Regular practice of Kundalini Yoga can reestablish stability and resiliency in the nervous system. Through training of the mind and breath, KY teaches you how to bounce back and move on quickly. Leaving more time for you to rest and digest.   

  6. Endocrine System KY balances the glandular system which regulates hormone secretion, to support our stress, relaxation, connection & digestion responses, as well as; sexual function, sleep cycles, and overall well-being. 

  7. Spiritual Enlightenment KY will aid you in unlocking your highest potential, which will result in you becoming more spiritually connected not only to yourself but to those around you.  

What can I expect from a Kundalini Session? 

Each of my sessions varies based on the individual’s needs. If you are a more fire or energetic person, we may focus more on physical poses and meditation. If you are someone who struggles with anxiety, we may focus on all three, meditation, poses, and mantra, tapping into the nervous & endocrine system to balance out the breath and hormones. The key is communication, we will continue to discuss throughout your journey to identify what works best for you and make that our focus.  

With Love,  



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