Quick Free Chakra Guide
Jeri Stroupe Jeri Stroupe

Quick Free Chakra Guide

Chakra, meaning wheel or vortex in Sanskrit, is a swirling energy center in the body that is part of spiritual and alternative healing practices. The mind-body connection is extremely important in energy healing and understanding the chakras is key to understanding how our mental state can impact our physical state.

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Kundalini Yoga
Jeri Stroupe Jeri Stroupe

Kundalini Yoga

Yoga is a science of self-improvement or of self-awareness. Yoga is used to manifest one’s highest potential and to connect to our greatest selves. Kundalini Yoga is one of the most spiritual forms of yoga and goes far deeper than the traditional poses.  

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Your Beautiful Nervous System and Anxiety
Jeri Stroupe Jeri Stroupe

Your Beautiful Nervous System and Anxiety

If you’re struggling with anxiety, try my Anxiety and the Brain Master Class. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1824911176/anxiety-and-the-brain-master-class-5?click_key=51aacb595e2d6d973efd54d8943c03e5bbdd535c%3A1824911176&click_sum=22d36d9c&ref=shop_home_active_1&pro=1

In short your nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. It is a highly complex system of interconnected signals that manages most of your physical actions and processes. Think of it as the command center of your body. Right now, and I do mean right now, your nervous system is sending thousands of messages, including:

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What is energy healing?
Jeri Stroupe Jeri Stroupe

What is energy healing?

This is a common question. After my first energy healing session, I was baffled as to why something so simple made me feel so great, in control, and happy. It is my mission to share this knowledge with the world.

It begins with learning about our body (physical, emotional, and energetic or often referred to as the spirit. Then begin to take control and create our desired reality.

Photo: Me Demonstrating the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique - A great way to tap into the Parasympathetic Nervous System

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